GEA endorses a new ILO project to boost productivity and working conditions in Ghana
ILO Director-General Gilbert F. Houngbo launched a new project in Ghana that will support employers and workers to raise their productivity and improve working conditions in the textiles & garments and shea sectors.
At the launching ceremony, the President of GEA, Mr. Dan Acheampong welcomed the project and reiterated the support and commitment of the Association to its implementation as it comes at an opportune time to contribute to reviving and strengthening of enterprises in the critical sectors of Ghana’s economy. Mr. Acheampong indicated that the selected sectors have the potential to accelerate growth in the industrial sector and the economy as a whole by boosting employment creation and local economic development within the entire supply value chain.
The launch was attended by dignitaries such as the Minister of Employment and Labour Relations, Secretary General of the Trades Union Congress Ghana, a delegation from the German Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Ministry of Development Cooperation, and representatives from the Norwegian and Swiss Government.
The “Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work” project addresses Ghana’s main economic challenges, such as low productivity, low competitiveness, and a lack of decent work opportunities for its citizens. It will work with various stakeholders, including the government, unions, private sector, and civil society, to upgrade production processes, help firms to transit from informality to formality, train workers and entrepreneurs in more advanced technical skills and ensure that environmental and social standards are adhered to.
“Productivity growth is critical for the sustainability of local businesses. With increased productivity, businesses can produce more with fewer resources, enabling them to remain competitive and thrive in the market,” said the ILO Director-General. “Productivity growth is a crucial factor in determining the standard of living and wages of individuals. It is a pre-requisite for and a result of decent work and social justice. We need new approaches to create a virtuous cycle between productivity growth and the creation of decent jobs.”
The Productivity Ecosystems for Decent Work Programme is a global ILO Programme funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD).
We wish to encourage all members of GEA in the Text styles & Garment and Shea sectors to participate in the project to ensure that enterprises in the sectors fully benefit from its implementation.